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Ready to start using social media and Facebook ads to attract prospects and make sales online?
It's time. 
Facebook ads are a GAME CHANGER and they can be a turning point in your business.

It’s the difference between prospects and clients trickling in and getting consistent leads and clients month after month.

But ..Facebook ads can be complicated- Tracking Pixels, Testing Copy, Creating Images…it can be overwhelming, and you have no clue where to start. 

And if you've tried ads at all, you know that there are many moving parts. And that it takes more than a "boost" to see actual results.

I have yet to encounter a business that couldn't benefit from Facebook ads- where else are you going to be able to do such detailed level of targeting and get in front of your prospects?

But without a strategy and plan, you are just wasting your money.
To get results with Facebook ads requires... 4 key steps:
Ad Copy + Images
Tweaking & Optimizing
Client Results and Actual Sales From Ad
You're in luck.

I created FAB Ads Club for business owners like you who are savvy and want to use paid traffic to quickly test your ideas and offers and get in front of your prospects. 

You know that to bring in consistent revenue requires having skin in the game and that when done right, Facebook ads can help end the cycle of feast and famine in your business. 

And no, it doesn't mean you have to be constantly giving out discounts but rather a combination of strategically creating content and staying top of mind.

And instead of trying to do it alone, work alongside an expert!
Sign up now for only $27 USD/month
(Reg. $37/month)
Your one stop resource for all things social media + ads
Here's how it works...
Once you sign up, you will get access to the membership portal with all the training resources. You will also be able to join the private members Facebook group where all the live trainings and Q&A will occur.
Sandy helped me with marketing strategy and execution for all of the Top 1% Sellers Academy webinars, telesummits and webcasts and more. I highly recommend Sandy to help you with lead generation strategies, cost per lead optimization, lead generation/webinar and social media funnel plans.

Ash Seddeek - Top 1% Sellers Academy
Before working with Sandy, I spent countless dollars on Facebook ads with no results. With her FB campaigns, I gained return clients and my revenue increased by 20%. Working with Sandy was amazing, she was prompt with her replies, and kept me in the loop each step of the way. I look forward to working with her in the future, and am so thankful for all her help.”
Betsy S. - Spa Owner
Interactive Community
Live Online Training
Video Training
Templates + Swipe Copy
Let’s break it all down.
Here's what you're really getting...
  • ​Video training library (25+ videos and regularly updated), ad templates and swipe copy
  • ​Private Facebook community
  • ​Live campaign reviews (and submit yours for review, too!)
  • ​2x/month group calls
Sandy is just AMAZING and a total pleasure to work with. In a space filled with flim-flammery and people who 'talk a good one' but fail to deliver, she's literally the polar opposite. I don't trust just ANYONE to spend my hard-earned money and with Sandy I know that she'll spend wisely and we still get great results. Highly recommend, money well spent and she's sooooooooooo calm....every modern business owner needs a 'Sandy'.

Jenny Burrell, Burrell Education
Sandy is my go to FB ads manager. She has worked with me on lead generation campaigns, sales campaigns and retargeting campaigns. She is great at staying within my desired budget while getting the results I want.

Cindy Reeves - Magazine Mama

What if I have never run ads before?
You are in the right place! With the FAB ads resources + community, you will have all the support you need to hit the ground running.

Do you cover Instagram ads?
Yes, Instagram ads are covered.

What if I'm not tech-savvy can I still do this?
The videos walk you through everything step by step and you can also ask questions in the private members community. 

Do you offer 1-1 support?
If you'd like additional support beyond what is offered in the FAB Ads Club you can contact me for details. Included in the club is 2/x month group coaching.

Can I Cancel At Any Time?
Yes, you can cancel at anytime by sending an email to sandy@sandysidhumedia.com. You will not be charged for the following month after you cancel but memberships are not pro-rated.
Sandy Sidhu, FAB Ads Club Founder
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